Vi gleder oss til å ønske velkommen tilbake til proffsirkuset.
Turneringen spilles over 3 dager x 18 hull med cut etter dag 2.
Fra GFGK er Mikkel Antonsen og Jørgen Winther og Marcus Røinås Pedersen som skal måle krefter med de beste, og vi håper selvsagt at de vil dra fordel av hjemmebane under uken.
Her er link til side hvor du finner mer info om touren, resultater etc.
Cutter & Buck Tour 2024
I år er vi også så heldige å få støtte fra Østfold fylkeskommune til å vise at vi i Østfold kan være arena for store Internasjonale arrangementer. Vi takker ØF for støtten.
Tournament office and scoring area is located in the building connected to the Driving Range.
The office opens one hour before the first starting time each day.
There are toilets available on the driving range located near the first tee.
On the course toilets are available after hole 3 and 13. and between hole 8-9
Monday players can enter the course between 10:00 and 17:00 for practice round. There are no teetimes for booking. First come - first serve tee 1.
The Norwegian Golf Association cooperates with Nordic Choice Hotels.
Quality Hotel Fredrikstad is the official player hotel, and if you enter the code "ngf999" when booking online, you will get a discounted rate.
Aktivitetsbyen located on the course has both modern cabins and simple motel rooms for rent.
Prices and all information can be found on
The committee
Tournament Director: Rolf Ener Karlsen
Chief Referee: Gerd Solerød
Tournament leader (club representative): Nils-Jørgen Olsen